Want to give your Kickstarter campaign the best chance of success?

£150 £100* to roast your Kickstarter

This is the deal.

  1. Share your campaign page with me.

  2. I will review it and create a ten-minute, private video, with personalised insights into actionable ways you can make your page as good as possible.

  3. I’ll send the video to you within two working days.

  4. Just an extra two or three backers would make it worth it. And I might even back your project myself if I like it!

    *about $130 USD

Only 40% of Kickstarter campaigns succeed*. Make yours one of them.

Over 7 billion dollars have been pledged to Kickstarter projects and nearly a quarter of a million projects have been successfully funded.

But just being on Kickstarter isn’t enough, especially these days. Funding your project is very possible, although it’s not easy.

You've spent months nurturing your idea and now you’re ready to crowdfund it. It’s your baby and you’re putting it out there.

You’ve figured out what your product is going to be and you think people will like it. Your Kickstarter page is your chance to grab people’s attention, and hopefully their cash.

After countless hours writing and re-writing, thinking about images and graphics, you’re deep in the weeds and it can be hard to step back and take it all in.

This is where a fresh pair of expert eyes can help, and where I come in.

I’ve successfully funded six out of six Kickstarter campaigns, single-handedly raising nearly a quarter of a million dollars in the process. I’ve helped out on countless more too.

The internet can be an unforgiving place, and my informed (and polite!) roasting can be an invaluable part of your preparation, helping you ensure you’re ready for the public launch of your Kickstarter campaign.

Better to have me roast your Kickstarter page first so you can iterate, than wait until potential backers do it.

Let’s work together to make sure you’re in that 40%.

Hi, I’m Rob.

Product manager and Kickstarter expert based in London, UK. Eight successful Kickstarter projects to my name and have helped out with countless others. Now selling my crowdfunded products around the world and and working on more.

Here’s an example of one of my Roast videos. Jon and Floor-Drobe went on to reach 423% of their target and you can see their successful campaign and learn about their product here.

What does a Roast look like

Don’t just take my word for it

  • Arif Akram Mohammed, USA

    As someone who is trying to take the journey that Rob has already taken, I very much appreciated the meeting we had and the feedback he provided me. I had a bunch of questions ready for Rob prior to our meeting and he was kind of enough to answer all my questions.

    He provided some guidance on how to tell my story, the importance of user testing, the Kickstarter campaign page, and how to successfully start my campaign. All the information he provided was new to me and is definitely helpful for me in setting up a direction for my Kickstarter campaign.

    On top of this, Rob has a warm personality and is easy to talk to. I am sure anybody starting with their Kickstarter campaign can benefit from Rob's insights.

  • Tareg, UK

    It was a pleasure working with Rob, all of his ideas were on point and extremely helpful. His setup was great having the review done on video with him explaining and showing each section was very easy to follow.

    Mythical Dice Box - Dragon Horde

  • Milena S, USA

    I just finished watching the video, and I'm floored. Everything you said makes sense to me. Half of it was stuff I also suspected needed improving. So I'm going to go through one-by-one and make all the changes you suggested. It's really golden advice.

  • Jon T, London

    Thank you so much for the feedback. I underestimated the power of a second pair of eyes.

  • Bence Rigó, USA

    Thank you for your feedback on our Kickstarter page, it was terrific! Pure useful information and advice condensed into 10 minutes.

  • Liu Chao, China

    Rob did a great help to creating my KS landing page, on different aspects, including improving the English (the draft was completed changed), nice graphic design, and marketing plan etc.

    I am very happy he was with us, great support. Thank you Rob, we will keep in touch.

  • Mariana W, New Zealand

    Thanks for your input - it helped a lot to get clarity and focus.


  • In a polite and professional manner I will review your Kickstarter page in a critical but constructive way.

    I’ll point out areas I think can be improved, and also highlight positive aspects too. If there are things I think potential backers might see as negative, it’s better to hear them now than when your project is in front of the world to see.

    Potential backers will likely make an initial judgement in seconds so you want their first impression of your project to be as good as possible.

  • I can help you at any stage of your project, but for a Roast the sweet spot is once you have a draft Kickstarter page and you’re willing to share it with me.

    My general advice is to get your draft page made as soon as possible, as it really helps to clarify your message and get you in the right zone.

    If your Kickstarter is already live, see below.

    If you’re just at the idea stage and not ready for a full page review, get in touch and I can also help you at an earlier stage too.

  • Yes, I can do this and help you improve your page once it’s live.

    But I'll be honest if I think it's too late for your campaign to have a good chance of success. If your campaign has a poor start it can be very difficult to bring it back on track just by improving the Kickstarter page itself. It can be tempting to think that spending more money on advice and other services can get you over the line, but sometimes it’s best to cut your losses and rethink your strategy.

  • No. I’ll share the finished video with you as a private YouTube video. No one else can see it unless you want them to.

  • I can help you build the best Kickstarter page you possibly can, but I don’t offer help with online ads or other marketing outside of Kickstarter.

  • This is of course a great question. And it’s exactly the question potential Kickstarter backers will want to ask you!

    I have successfully funded six of my own Kickstarter campaigns which you can see here. I’ve also helped out with many others and you can see some testimonials above.

  • Yes, I’ve also used Indiegogo myself and can help optimise your Indiegogo page. Get in touch if you have any questions about other crowdfunding platforms.