Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

What have I been talking about for the last year? (Part 1)

I've been writing every week for almost a year now for my Kickstarter blog. Although it's ostensibly about crowdfunding, it's really more generally about making things. Over the next few weeks, I'll be writing a mini series summarising and linking to some of my articles so far.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

What is Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is a type of rewards-based crowdfunding. This is distinct from other crowdfunding such as equity crowdfunding or loan crowdfunding. Fundamentally they are all about raising money in one way or another, but they’re very different from each other.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

Anatomy of a Kickstarter page

What exactly is on a Kickstarter project page? Here are all the things you need to complete in order to pitch your product and story to backers.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

Welcome to Roast my Kickstarter

Almost a decade ago I wrote a blog post about products being crap. Six Kickstarter projects and over $200k later I’ve set up Roast my Kickstarter to help others crowdfund their ideas. Here’s how I got here…

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