Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

All My Kickstarter dashboards - Part 2

It’s a common rookie error to make a campaign as long as possible in the hope of raising more money. But in the data here there’s no correlation between funding length and total funding raised.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

All My Kickstarter dashboards

A key part of the Kickstarter dashboard is a chart showing funding progress over time. Every chart tells a story. Here are my stories.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

Let’s talk about spam

Spam is an unfortunate part of the online world and Kickstarter is no exception. As soon as you launch your Kickstarter project you’ll start to have people getting in touch offering to help your campaign.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

When to launch - two viewpoints

I’ll save you googling “when should I launch my Kickstarter?” The answer you’ll get is: a Tuesday in May at 8am EST.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

First created · 0 backed

One thing I see all too often is people trying to run their own Kickstarter project without having backed someone else’s before. Here’s why I think that’s a mistake.

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