- AI 3
- Brexit 1
- Guinness World Records 5
- Indiegogo 1
- Kickstarter basics 14
- Kickstarter project page 5
- behind the scenes 12
- case study 22
- data 15
- ecommerce 2
- ideas 11
- images 4
- interview 1
- launch 6
- manufacturing 8
- marketing 18
- pre-launch 3
- product design 16
- prototyping 4
- random 9
- rant 6
- shipping 2
- spam 1
- using Kickstarter 12
- videos 2
Why I’m Shutting Down My First Business
Ten years on from my first Kickstarter, it's with sadness that I've made the decision to close down Ockham Razor Co.
All My Kickstarter dashboards - Part 2
It’s a common rookie error to make a campaign as long as possible in the hope of raising more money. But in the data here there’s no correlation between funding length and total funding raised.
All My Kickstarter dashboards
A key part of the Kickstarter dashboard is a chart showing funding progress over time. Every chart tells a story. Here are my stories.
Would you like to be part of a World Record?
This project shows that Kickstarter isn’t always about designing a physical product and then raising money to get it made.
A Classic Funding Curve & Topping £100k. My Kickstarter dashboards - part 4
Here’s the final part of my series looking into the funding dashboards of my latest three Kickstarter campaigns.
The First “Big One”. My Kickstarter campaign dashboards - part 3
This was my first “big one”. Here are the reasons this project did significantly better than my previous ones.
My Kickstarter campaign dashboards - part 2
One key strategy I took forward after my third project: focus on number of backers rather than the amount pledged.
One piece of luck. My Kickstarter campaign dashboards - part 1
Digging into the project progress for my very first campaign.
How to make anything. Part 2 - a deck of playing cards
When you accept that you don't have to do everything yourself, you can be liberated by the realisation that you can in fact make anything.
Kickstarter dashboard - behind the scenes data from a £100k project
A key part of Kickstarter is the project dashboard. To give you an idea what to expect I’ll go through the dashboard from one of my recent Kickstarter projects and break it down.
I raised over £100k on Kickstarter. Here’s how it went - Part 2
It’s significant that my best Kickstarter has come after six previous ones. Some reasons for this are obvious and others less so.
I raised over £100k on Kickstarter. Here’s how it went - Part 1
I’ve just finished my seventh Kickstarter campaign and it’s been my most successful to date. Here a brief overview of the project.