- AI 3
- Brexit 1
- Guinness World Records 5
- Indiegogo 1
- Kickstarter basics 14
- Kickstarter project page 5
- behind the scenes 12
- case study 22
- data 15
- ecommerce 2
- ideas 11
- images 4
- interview 1
- launch 6
- manufacturing 8
- marketing 18
- pre-launch 3
- product design 16
- prototyping 4
- random 9
- rant 6
- shipping 2
- spam 1
- using Kickstarter 12
- videos 2
The genius design choice that reproduces a brand name three trillion times for free
There are billions of LEGO bricks covered in the brand name. How the company is able to do that is a great example of manufacturing techniques and economies of scale.
How to make anything. Part 2 - a deck of playing cards
When you accept that you don't have to do everything yourself, you can be liberated by the realisation that you can in fact make anything.
Kickstarter live case study. Step 6: Final design for production
Making is actually the easy bit. That isn't to say that the whole process is easy, otherwise everyone would do it. What I really meant is that it's not difficult in the way that most people think.
Kickstarter live case study. Step 4: How to actually make the thing
You’ve come up with a product idea, and Kickstarter has shown you that people actually want it. Now you have to make it.
Kickstarter live case study. Step 2: Pre-launch
The pre-launch phase of a Kickstarter campaign. What you need to do before launching.
Kickstarter live case study. Step 1: the beginning (& frickin’ lasers)
Here are my key considerations when kicking off a new product development project.
How did I know how to make a razor? (Market Pull vs Technology Push)
A good design process is about working backwards from what people need, not throwing an idea at them and hoping they like it.
How to make anything. Part 1
Turning your ideas into products isn't as difficult as you think. Ever since I ran my first Kickstarter campaign, which was for a razor, people often say to me "how on earth did you know how to make a razor?"